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Join date: Oct 29, 2020


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Hi. I love all nature, in particular the rich diversity of flora and fauna in the UK. Although I did art at school (over 40 years ago) I did not do any more art until 2013 when, having been inspired by her work, I was lucky enough to enroll onto a coloured pencil and graphite course run by Sue Vize, and so began my entry into the world of botanical art. I remember my first trips to London to the RHS botanical art show and the SBA annual exhibition and being completely blown away by the sheer skill and talent in this world of art that was new to me. I continued with Sue's classes and with her guidance my skill gradually improved until I felt confident enough to enrol on the SBA distance learning diploma in 2016. This course really pushed me in developing my coloured pencil skills and I was thrilled to graduate with a distinction in 2018. I now really only produce work for pleasure but would like to become confident in exhibiting my work. As I am now retired I have no excuse, though if the weather is fine I will be always outside either walking in our beautiful countryside or in my garden or on my allotment. I am excited about being part of the ABBA group

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