Hi Liz, I’m just south of Chinon Dept 37. All ‘locked up‘ for the next few weeks so plenty of painting time. Are you there all the time?
Unknown member
Oct 29, 2020
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@Annie Patterson yes, lockdown is the same all over France! We‘re between Montpon-Menesterol and Mussidan ... very rural so thinking of starting a perpetual journal to keep myself occupied and of course to work on improving observation skills of the plants and nature within the permitted 1km exercise zone of our house.
@Liz Hansen it will encourage us to get out walking again even if it is in circles, there are old neglected vineyards near and lots of fungi and plants just left to do their own thing... and then there’s plenty to tame in the garden!
Must make the most of the time and warm weather before hibernating.Take care.
Maybe now's the time to start up a Zoom botanical art chat? You can get in touch by email in the members area.
Hope you are both safe and well Elaine for the ABBA Team
I’m in France too ... Dordogne
Great to have you join us. Perhaps you could use online methods to link with the other members in France, perhaps a virtual coffee together.