For All Our Members
New Extended Closing date Sunday 17th May
As we move into longer days and the blossom is blooming it's your chance to put paintbrush to paper and produce a winning card for our Spring Greetings Card Competition. We have three great prizes where the winning entries will receive fifty A5 cards of their artwork with envelopes for their own use.
All entries will be posted online as anonymous artwork and the winners will be those entries that receive the most votes from our members and subscribers.
This is our first card competition so we are looking for some innovative entries. If you have an existing image you would like to submit that's perfect, otherwise get those No 7's out and stretch that paper.
The rules are:
The competition is open to ABBA members only.
The design will be scaled to fit an A5 greetings card which is 148mm x 210mm (the original can be any size but should scale well to fit an A5 card).
It must be a botanical composition.
The preferred genre is native plants. However, cultivars will not be excluded.
The image should have no writing (except artist signature).
Images will be submitted online as a good quality digital image.
You can submit as many separate entries as you like.
The closing date for entries is Sunday the 17th May 2020.
The winners will be decided by the number of votes they receive online from our members and subscribers. Voting will open on Sunday the 24th May and close on Sunday the 7th June.
Winners will be announced in the second week of June.
Information on how to vote will be published on Sunday the 24th May on the ABBA website.
If you have any questions or you want some help with your digital image or submitting your work then contact us at